Join our group for the latest information & guide.
Version 5.0
Last updated: 28 November, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) Animated Stack Banner 🔥
FluxStore aims to focus more on animated stack containers for items on the app.
With smooth transition effects and vibrant visuals, the banner now not only looks great but also improves navigation and accessibility.
Video Demo
This enhancement integrates seamlessly with the enhanced Drag and Drop Editor 2.0 in FluxBuilder, providing advanced capabilities for layout customization and animation implementation.
(2) New UI for Tabbar 🎨
- Tabbar Floating Config
- Support indicator in full size of the tab in Bottom Tabbar
(3) New Fantastic Layouts on Home Page 🏆
- New Blog/Product Banner Slider style
- Support Gradient Style for Image Category
- New Menu List Layout for Dynamic Layout
- Add Header View and Date Time Countdown
- Add Header View for Category item on Home page
- Date Time Countdown
- New Carousel View Flutter 3.24.0
- List Card Layout
- Vertical layout
- Horizontal layout
A new layout for the Home screen is now available in FluxStore Apps starting from version 5.0.0.
This layout features: a title, subtitle, action button, tags, and image. The button can be used to navigate to other screens, products, blogs, tabs, and more.
There are now 2 main styles for the layout: "titleHeading" and "subtitleHeading”.
The items can be displayed in either a vertical or horizontal arrangement.
(4) Firebase and BranchIO dynamic links ⚡
Firebase and BranchIO dynamic links can now operate simultaneously, providing improved flexibility for linking and sharing across your applications.
(5) New Wishlist Staggered Style ✨
Introduced a new staggered layout for the wishlist, enhancing the user experience with a fresh and modern design.
(6) Custom Smart Chat icon 🎉
Users can now customize the Smart Chat icon, allowing for a more personalized touch to the chat interface.
Screenshot Demo
- 💥 Support to select parent location in filter
- 💫 Product List Layout in Search screen supports Html Title
- 🔆 Upgrade (FirebaseLibrary): firebase_core to version 3.6.0 and other related firebase libraries
- 🔰 Remove wechat_assets_picker & photo_manager
- 🌐 Support Firebase for web platform
- 🔶 Add text font and text size for banner items
- 🎀 Detailed Blog layout support rendering Video
- 🥇 Chore(deps): upgrade salesiq_mobilisten lib
- 〽️Refactor (handle Web Link): pop to root before loading and hide loading after fetching data
- 🗝️ Refactor (Search Screen)!: Remove old search UI for easy maintenance and more flexible UI
- 💕 Support icon material and cupertino for Animated Stack Container
- 💢 Refactor (HeaderView): remove verticalMargin and horizontalMargin
💯 Improve UI: appbar, and banner image on the home page
- Improve appbar when use background color
- Improve Banner Image: hide the indicator if the number of image is less than 2.
This release contains many fixes
- Fixed (cache): http cache is not working properly
- Fixed (AppStore): update message when accessing photo library
- Fixed: change language onboard screen
- Fixed (Wishlist): show remove button instead of delete
- Fixed (Search): close keyboard after closing filter
- Fixed (profile): update empty field when updating profile
- Fixed (AppStore): remove the decline button when accessing device’s camera
- Fixed (Build): cannot build apk file with zoho.salesiq
- Fixed (AppModel): init app with unsupported language
- Fixed (Webview): not determine location on Google Maps
- Fixed (Webview): crash app when launch special urls
- Fixed (Filter): cannot fetch attribute terms
- Fixed (Filter): re-init filter if allowGetDatasByCategoryFilter is updated
- Fixed (CategoryScreen): issue when open screen but not found category layout
- Fixed: no valid small icon issue when enable Audio feature
- Fixed: Forward/Backward icon does not display
How to update/migrate the app to the latest version?
- Follow this “Upgrade source code and Flutter” guide.
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
How to activate FluxStore on FluxBuilder tool?
- Follow this guide:
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
- FluxStore apps provide the full source code, allowing you to customize everything.
- Special gifts when using the FluxStore or FluxNews app 🎉
- Free FluxBuilder tool to edit your app's UI easily with drag&drop Lifetime.
- Free update your app's UI without republishing it to App Stores or Google Play Store.
- Free translation service for your local language.
- FluxStore apps provide the full source code, allowing you to customize everything.
- Video Demo:
Version 4.3.0
Last updated: 27 September, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download
Version 4.2.0
Last updated: 20 August, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) Flutter 3.24.x Upgrade 🔥
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.24.x
To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
To upgrade Flutter 3.24.x, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter clean flutter pub get
To update/migrate the app to the latest version ☘️
- Follow this “Upgrade source code and Flutter” guide.
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
- Helpful guide “How To Easily Upgrade Sourcecode To The Next Version”
To fix build issue with new flutter version
After upgrading, you may meet the cache issue of iOS while building the application, please run this command to fix:
flutter precache --ios
- To activate FluxStore on FluxBuilder tool ☘️ ChartSort
(2) dynamic link service 💫
- Integrated the dynamic link service into the application
- Enhance the users’ experience
(3) Onboarding Version 3 🎇
- Support displaying full-screen images on Onboarding
(4) Realtime Chat: User block, Delete chat and Admin Access user chat 🔆
- Implemented real-time chat functionality with enhanced moderation features
- Users can now block other users to prevent unwanted interactions
Demo Screenshots
- Users have the ability to delete the entire chat threads
Demo Screenshot
(5) Disable Sign Up 🎊
- Implemented the ability to disable the sign-up functionality in the application
- Users can also disable Login config and Username TextField in Sign Up screen
Demo Screenshots
- Disable Sign Up
- Disable User Name on Sign Up screen
- 🔆 Support notification icon in configs folder to upgrade easily
- 🆙 Update/vertical column with filter
- 🎊 Update(translation): remove duplicate and fix grammar
- ⬆️ Update: notification icon
- 🆙 Check for same-server origin before fetching blog data
- 💫 Update excludedCategoryIDs and excludedProductIDs option to support excluding category/product IDs
- 🌈 Add a border to the TextField on the User Update Info screen
- ▶️ Support Multi Languages for Digits Mobile
This release contains many fixes
- Fixed: fontFamily not working in Widgets
- Fixed: crash firestore when empty email on ios release
- Fixed (Analytics): Resolve Facebook Analytics purchased event null value
- Fixed: Firebase sms login fix security
- Fixed (Release): apple reject as location permission is irrelevant for delivery
- Fixed: (Translation): not override pt_PT translation
- Fixed (Blog): load wrong blog domain for boost engine
- Fixed (InAppWebview): still show app when set showAppBar to false
- Fixed (MenuVerticalLayout): cannot sort categories
- Fixed (Blog): sort blog if use special blogs
- Fixed: hide the keyboard after input text
- Fixed: Show Fail Message for DigitsMobileLogin
- Fixed: resend firebase sms
- Fixed: rename register endpoint and fix register api without posting phone params
- Fixed (TabBar): Resolve Always show tabbar does not work
- Fixed: remove boost for external blog URL
- Fixed (CheckoutPageSlug): no element exception
- Fixed (Search): search by SKU
- Fixed (FluxNavigate): check to use root navigator
- Fixed (Coupon): Error deleting coupon code when typing quickly on iOS keyboard
- Fixed: flutter 3.24.0 error when building release (attr/lStar not found)
Version 4.1.1
Last updated: 09 July, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download
- Fixed the security in the MStore API to support the Firebase SMS Login (firebase_sms_login) function. If your app does not use this feature, an update is not necessary.
Version 4.1.0
Last updated: 03 June, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) Flutter 3.22 Upgrade 🔥
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.22.x
To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
To upgrade Flutter 3.22.x, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter clean flutter pub get
To update/migrate the app to the latest version ☘️
- Follow this “Upgrade source code and Flutter” guide.
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
- Helpful guide “How To Easily Upgrade Sourcecode To The Next Version”
To activate FluxStore on FluxBuilder tool ☘️
(2) Lazy loading on TabBar 🌅
- For too many tabs on TabBar (heavy API usage: ~100 calls), use Lazy Loading: Tabs load only when clicked, improving performance.
- Not recommended if your app does not have too many tabs on TabBar.
- User guide: “Lazy loading”
(3) Avatar Sync 🧬
- Supports Avatar synchronization between application and website.
- Use the latest version of MStore API.
(4) Facebook App Event 🌟
- Meta App Event Tracking (or Facebook App Event) allows your app to track events, such as a person installing your app or completing a purchase, to measure ad performance, and build audiences for ad targeting.
- User guide: Facebook App Event
Demo Screenshot
(5) Update ♻️
- 🆙 Update to the latest version of Firebase
- 🎊 Upgrade youtube_player_iframe and webview_flutter
- ⬆️ Upgrade google_maps_flutter to the latest version and pump min deployment iOS to 14.0
- 🆙 Upgrade flutter_stripe 10.1.1 for flutter 3.19.6
- 🌈 Show confirmation pop-up when logging out of the application
(6) Many fixes 💦
- Fixed: a warning email about "Missing API declaration"
- Fixed: use wrong code to check runtime type
- Fixed: missing blog author image
- Fixed: open related blog
- Fixed: missing the related, recent in fullsizeImage
- Fixed(NavigateTool): cannot parse the null value
- Fixed(PinterestLayout): issue about scrolling in the vertical layout
- Fixed(SignUp): show a readable error message
- Fixed (ValidatePhone): fix invalid phone if not use international
- Fixed (PinterestLayout): fix issue load more
- Fixed(VerticalLayout): update load more
- Fixed: video mp4 blog launch webview
Version 4.0.0
Last updated: 18 Mar, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) Flutter 3.19 Upgrade 🔥
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.19.x
To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
To upgrade Flutter 3.19.x, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter clean flutter pub get
To update/migrate the app to the latest version
- Follow this guide:
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
(2) New Languages 🌐
- Support new Bulgaria🇧🇬 and Sinhala languages.
- Thanks to our Customers who sent us the translation native language file❤️
- Now FluxStore apps support more than 60 native languages.
(3) Update ♻️
Update missing translations and list of supported languages for ImagePicker 🏳️🌈
- Migrate to flutter_pull_to_refresh ⬆️
- Refactor the searchProducts method 🎗
- Support none-category for Homepage cache 💦
(4) Many fixes 💦
- Fixed and updated audio_service and just_audio versions
- Fixed height when disabling categoryImageMenu
- Fixed: Notification Clicking doesn't open Dynamic Link
- Fixed: location filter UI
- Fixed: the Share option cannot be hidden when FirebaseDynamicLink is disabled
- Fixed: (NullException) cannot show selection field
- Fixed: cannot release on Google as recaptcha issue
- Fixed: auto close filter after selecting item on filter screen
- Fixed: no sound while playing video in Instagram widget
- Fixed: cannot scroll on the app using Stylus Pen
- Fixed: open app setting if click dont allow button
Version 3.16.8
Last updated: 21 Jan, 2024 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) BottomBar styles like Twitter or Facebook ⭐️
Now the app's BottomBar supports the following styles: "static", "opacityEffect" and "slideEffect" like Twitter and Facebook.
(2) New Templates & Layouts 💥
2 new Home UI and Layouts help you easily design your Apps beautifully and professionally.
(3) Filter Screen upgrade⚡️
- Filter by Multiple Tags & Categories: Flexible to select many tags and categories on the Filter screen.
- Add the Sort by title feature.
Demo Screenshot
(4) Blog layout by Keyword & Author ⭐️
Ability to load Blog Layouts by Keyword or Author on Home screen.
(5) Scroll Up on Home 🏠
User can tap on Home icon to scroll up to the top of Home screen.
(6) Georgia Languages 🇬🇪
- Support new Georgia language.
- Thanks to our Customers who sent us the translation native language file❤️
- Now FluxStore apps support more than 60 native languages.
- Upgrade Zoho SaleIQ Chat 🔥
- Increase android minSdkVersion to 23 and upgrade library ⬆️
- Upgrade Firebase module 💥 (update Minimum Deployments iOS 12.0 to 13.0)
This release contains many fixes:
- Remove the large empty space between keyboard and textbox.
- Fixed: auto logout on multi sites.
- Etc.
Version 3.16.0
Last updated: 19 Nov, 2023 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) Maintenance Mode ⭐️
- Apps work smoothly when your Websites are in Maintenance Mode.
- Support this plugin for Maintenance mode
Install this Maintenance Mode plugin to your Website, then activate it.
Demo Video
(2) Web Embed layout ⚡️
- Flexible to Add new layout Web Embed into the Dynamic layout on Homepage. Users can set URL, iFrame or embedded HTML code.
- URL Embed:
Example config JSON for URL
{ "type": "url", "data": "", "height": 50.0, "spacing": { "margin": null, "padding": null }, "script": null, "navigator": null, "layout": "webEmbed" },
Example config JSON for URLwith padding and navigator
{ "type": "url", "data": "", "height": 50.0, "spacing": { "margin": null, "padding": { "start": 5.0, "end": 5.0, "top": 0.0, "bottom": 0.0 } }, "navigator": { "tag": null, "showSubcategory": false, "screen": "category" }, "layout": "webEmbed" },
Example config JSON URL with script
{ "type": "url", "data": "", "height": 50.0, "spacing": { "margin": null, "padding": null }, "script": " = \"none\";", "layout": "webEmbed" },
- iFrame embed:
Example config JSON of iFrame
{ "type": "iframe", "data": "<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen></iframe>", "height": 250.0, "spacing": { "margin": null, "padding": null }, "layout": "webEmbed" },
- HTML code embed:
Example config JSON of HTML custom code.
{ "type": "html", "data": "<script src=\"\" type=\"module\"></script> \n\n <dotlottie-player src=\"\" background=\"transparent\" speed=\"1\" style=\"width: 300px; height: 300px;\" loop autoplay></dotlottie-player>", "height": 100.0, "spacing": { "margin": null, "padding": null }, "layout": "webEmbed" },
(3) Catalan Languages 🌐
- Support new Catalan language.
- Thanks to our Customers who sent us the translation native language file❤️
- Now FluxStore and FluxNews apps support more than 60 native languages.
- Upgrade OneSignal 🔥
- Upgrade minSdkVersion to build Android apps 🆙
- Only show GDPR Message when the user allows AppTrackingTransparency🎗
- Support opening Zalo url via SmartChat 💦
- Add Blog retrieval Limit 📈
This release contains many fixes:
- Fix: clear search text
- Fix: webview not update user cookie when user login
- Fix: side menu color
- Fix: parse phone even phone valid is disabled
- Fix: load blog by category wordpress
- Fix: responsive for all device
- Fix: hide name category icon in vertical custom category
- Fix: graph headings are missing in Dark Theme
Version 3.13.6
Last updated: 01 Oct, 2023 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) XCode 15 & iOS 17 Upgrade ⚡️
FluxStore and FluxNews apps version 3.13.5 now offer compatibility with Apple's latest releases, XCode 15 and iOS 17.
(2) GDPR message for Ads Apps 🌈
- Support showing GDPR message for Ads Apps.
- Beginning January 16, 2024, Mobile Apps having Google AdSense or AdMob will be required to use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that has been certified by Google when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK.
Demo Screenshot
(3) Version Update Alert for countries outside US 📣
- When there is a new version, an alert is shown with a link to the appropriate App Stores page. Version Update Alert by default supports apps in the US.
- This new version supports Version Update Alert for all countries outside US.
(4) Page Transition Animation 🚸
- Ability to swipe to go back in Dark mode on IOS. Using:
- CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder(): constructs a page transition animation that matches the iOS transition. You can swipe to go back.
- FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder(): constructs a page transition animation that slides the page up.
Demo Video
(5) New Languages 🎊
- Support new Estonia🇪🇪 language.
- Thanks to our Customers who sent us the translation native language file❤️
- Now FluxStore apps support more than 50 native languages.
Policy URL supports Multi-language URLs 💥
Move Banner Ads to the bottom of the screen 🌟
App Store requests to move Banner Ads to the bottom of the screen on your apps.
- Update Kurdish and Tigrinya languages 🌎
- Update OpenAI update library ♻️
How to update/migrate the app to the latest version?
- Follow this guide:
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
Thanks to all for reporting bugs & suggesting features. This release contains many fixes.
- Fix: build iOS on MacOS 13 Ventura - Xcode 15 - iOS 17
Fix: border of category icons cannot be separated if enable Horizontal Mode
- Fix: not working only show first time and alway show login if turn on the required login
- Fix: load cache if user disable multi language
- Fix: to save notification status to server
- Fix: delete account if the website block DELETE method
- Fix: issue with creating links for Screen and Tab screen
Version 3.13.0
Last updated: 24 Aug, 2023 - Link Purchase | Download
(1) Upgrade Flutter 3.13 🔥
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.13.x
To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
To upgrade Flutter 3.13.x, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder:
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter clean flutter pub get
(2) New Onboarding UI 🌈
- Now there are 2 versions of the Onboarding screen.
- Guide: “2. Onboarding screen”
(3) Related Blogs ⭐️
- In the Blog Detail screen, you can show or hide the Related Blogs section.
- Guide: “13. Blog”
(4) Dynamic Link 🧬
- Ability to enable opening a specific screen from a
tab number
orscreen name
using adynamic link
. When users open the link, App is launched with that Tab or Screen.
- Guide: “9. Share a Tab or Screen”
- Update FluxStore translation with:
- Arabic 🇦🇪
- Hungarian 🇭🇺
Refactor the App Rating ♻️
This release contains many fixes & UX improvements:
- Fix: ScrollingDotsEffect not working in the haflSizeImageType layout
- Fix: The group layout dynamic screen display on app unexpectedly
- Fix: Cannot run the app as missing default config
- Fix: App on device cannot detect language
- Fix: Reload profile after login and logout
- Fix: The fancy and multi-level category does not support multi-language
- Fix: Stuck on screen Onboarding version 2
- Fix: issue appbar of setting screen
Version 3.10.0
(1) Upgrade Flutter 3.10 🔥
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.10.x
To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
To upgrade Flutter 3.10.x, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder:
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter clean flutter pub get
(2) FluxBuilder Community 👯
- We're glad to announce the new community at:
- Join the FluxBuilder Community to learn, share, and get inspired to create mobile apps, whether you're an entrepreneur, experienced developer, or a beginner → get Invitation
(3) Auto-sliding Products/Blogs💥
- Auto-sliding for the horizontal product list.
- Support for Layout Products, Blogs.
- Not available for listTile, simpleList yet.
Upgrade Dart 3
- Upgrade FluxStore to latest Dart 3 compatible
sdk: ">=3.0.0 <4.0.0"
- common_library fluxstore/common_library#10
- openai_app fluxstore/openai_app#73
- Upgrade lib
Configure Notification Request screen 🌈
Ability to configure Icon, Title, Image, and Description on the Notification Request screen:
Thanks to all for reporting bugs & suggesting features. This release contains many fixes & UX improvements:
- Fix: show products count if deselect tag or remove price
- Fix: The category list on Product List screen changes
- Fix: search screen
- Hotfix language file
- Fix: bug scroll for DynamicTabMenuScreen when use HomeLayout
- Fix: null check operator in category icon item
- Fix: missing default order and orderby for product of category screen
- Fix: show notification when app opening
- Send button have effect when it is clicked
Version 3.8.0
New features
(1) Biometrics Login ⚡️
- A convenient method for authorizing access to your app by: Face ID, Touch ID⭐️ in cases:
- Login
- Checkout
- Using Wallet
- No need to remember the account username and password.
(2) ChatGPT ⭐️
- Smart Chat supports ChatGPT - A powerful AI Writing Assistant on App.
- Available for the Extended license. The Regular license can integrate with FluxGPT app.
- Ability to copy, paste, delete, or share the content.
Important improvements
Improve AfterShip 🧩
Support to show multiple tracking numbers:
Bank Details 💰
Update the display of bank details in Checkout screen.
Zoho SalesIQ Chat 📣
Support customizing Notification icon for Android:
"salesiqConfig": { ... "notificationIconForAndroid": "logo" // Add name of the icon in the drawable folder inside android, without extension. For example logo.png },
Upgrade Category Names 🌈
- Show the Category Name in the center.
- Category Names are left-right alignment in RTL language when using the Parallax effect.
- Enable or disable product description and other information expansions in product detail
- Update: SMS Autofill package
- Show recent products in product detail
Minor bug fixes
Thanks to all for reporting bugs & suggesting features. This release contains many fixes & UX improvements:
- Fix: usage restriction coupon issues
- Fix: display Unicode when asking permission
- Show the address when launching the map.
- Fix: can not pug get
Fix: color in filter blog
- Fix: Tabbar shows grey color if setting the margin.
- Fix: Min-Max quantities
- Fix: pick an image in the Android
- Show error message if missing field when checkout.
- Fix: redirect to the login page when disabling the Guest Checkout.
- Fix: Stripe payment sheet does not show on Android
- Add billing address to Stripe Checkout
- Fix the zip code issue in Stripe
- Fix navigate to sms login in setting screen, side menu, and cart screen
- Fix: pop button sliver Appbar in the Profile screen
- Reset quantity to 1 after selecting another variant
- Remove the duplicate refund button
- Fix: show blank screen when missing Splash screen config
- Fix to show Add-ons
- Show Bank Info after the order completed
- Fix the Smart Chat image not showing
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.7.x
- To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
Example output:
Flutter 2.5.0 • channel stable • Framework • revision 4cc385b4b8 (2 days ago) • 2021-09-07 23:01:49 -0700 Engine • revision f0826da7ef Tools • Dart 2.14.0
- To upgrade Flutter 3.7.x, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder:
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter clean flutter pub get
Update/migrate the app to the latest version
- Follow this guide:
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
🔑 Importance Note
- As version 3.3 does not support special string in App Name. We found a quick solution by using
- They have the similar content, but
supports Unicode characters (support UTF-8 encoding).
- If you have both
inside configs folder, the app will load configs fromenv.props
- In the future, we will remove and use env.props
Version 3.7.0
Last updated: 01 Feb, 2023 - Link Purchase | Download
- This release is included the patching to fix build issue on latest Flutter v.3.7.0
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.7
- To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
Example output:
Flutter 2.5.0 • channel stable • Framework • revision 4cc385b4b8 (2 days ago) • 2021-09-07 23:01:49 -0700 Engine • revision f0826da7ef Tools • Dart 2.14.0
- To upgrade Flutter 3.3.0, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder:
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter pub cache clean flutter clean flutter pub get
- See more common issue & solution when install Flutter from this link.
Version 3.4.0
Last updated: 09 Jan, 2023 - Link Purchase | Download
New features
(1) New Rating & Reviews UI 💥
On Product Detail screen:
- Rating Count for a product.
- Load more icon to show Reviews
Screenshot Demo
(2) Unicode App Name ⚡️
- Support the App Name using Unicode characters.
- Your App Name can be Arabic, Spanish, or any Unicode character.
(3) Zoho SalesIQ Chat ♻️
- Ability to real-time chat with Zoho SalesIQ the great live chat software.
- Available for Extended license
(4) Google Analytic 📈
- This is a great feature to allow user could see their order from the mobile app by using Google Analytics.
- Measure via Firebase analytic.
Screenshot Demo
The result on Firebase Analytics dashboard:
Important improvements
- Compatible with the latest Flutter 3.3.10 and 3.3.x
Upgrade Realtime Chat 🎗
Beside the current features: chat with Admin & Users, typing status, unread count. New features are supported:
- Handle authentication
- Online status
- Push notification
- Track user language
Minor bug fixes
Thanks to all for reporting bugs & suggesting features. This release contains many fixes & UX improvements:
- Fix showing error message in SMS Login
- Fix Tabbar material indicator exception when hiding Tabbar
- Fix Blog Appbar in List-blog screen
- New Appbar missing on Product Detail
- Fix ‘load more’ does not work properly
- Fix the failed Login
- Skip Login screen when session is expired
- Fix Paid Membership register
- Fix cannot register visitor when user login via SMS
- Fix Guests cannot open Chat
- Fix to show Membership plans
Upgrade latest Flutter channel stable v3.3.x
- To make sure you are using the correct Flutter version, run this command:
flutter --version
Example output:
Flutter 2.5.0 • channel stable • Framework • revision 4cc385b4b8 (2 days ago) • 2021-09-07 23:01:49 -0700 Engine • revision f0826da7ef Tools • Dart 2.14.0
- To upgrade Flutter 3.3.x, please close all your IDE and run these commands in the project folder:
flutter channel stable flutter upgrade --force flutter clean flutter pub get
Update/migrate the app to latest version
- Follow this guide:
- Input your purchase code to
file (if not input, the app will crash):
🔑 Importance Note
- As version 3.3 does not support special string in App Name. We found a quick solution by using
- They have the similar content, but
supports Unicode characters (support UTF-8 encoding).
- If you have both
inside configs folder, the app will load configs fromenv.props
- In the future, we will remove and use env.props
Version 5.0(1) Animated Stack Banner 🔥(2) New UI for Tabbar 🎨(3) New Fantastic Layouts on Home Page 🏆(4) Firebase and BranchIO dynamic links ⚡(5) New Wishlist Staggered Style ✨(6) Custom Smart Chat icon 🎉Version 4.3.0Version 4.2.0Version 4.1.1Version 4.1.0Version 4.0.0Version 3.16.8 Version 3.16.0Version 3.13.6Version 3.13.0Version 3.10.0Version 3.8.0 Version 3.7.0Version 3.4.0