(1) Enhanced the App's Overall Performance and Speed 💥
Get ready to experience a turbocharged app! Our latest update brings significant enhancements to the overall performance and speed of your app, ensuring smoother navigation and lightning-fast response times. Say goodbye to lag and hello to seamless interactions!
Introducing the PhonePe payment gateway, designed to enhance your users' payment experience with seamless transactions. With PhonePe, customers can easily make payments using UPI, debit/credit cards, and wallets, ensuring a quick and secure checkout process.
The feature will be available for Extended license
FluxStore aims to focus more on animated stack containers for items on the app.
With smooth transition effects and vibrant visuals, the banner now not only looks great but also improves navigation and accessibility.
Video Demo
This enhancement integrates seamlessly with the enhanced Drag and Drop Editor 2.0 in FluxBuilder, providing advanced capabilities for layout customization and animation implementation.
(2) New UI for Tabbar 🎨
Tabbar Floating Config
Support indicator in full size of the tab in Bottom Tabbar
(3) New Fantastic Layouts on Home Page 🏆
New Blog/Product Banner Slider style
Support Gradient Style for Image Category
New Menu List Layout for Dynamic Layout
Add Header View and Date Time Countdown
Add Header View for Category item on Home page
Date Time Countdown
New Carousel View Flutter 3.24.0
List Card Layout
A new layout for the Home screen is now available in FluxStore Apps starting from version 5.0.0. This layout features: a title, subtitle, action button, tags, and image. The button can be used to navigate to other screens, products, blogs, tabs, and more. There are now 2 main styles for the layout: "titleHeading" and "subtitleHeading”.
The items can be displayed in either a vertical or horizontal arrangement.
Vertical layout
Horizontal layout
(4) Firebase and BranchIO dynamic links ⚡
Firebase and BranchIO dynamic links can now operate simultaneously, providing improved flexibility for linking and sharing across your applications.
(5) New Wishlist Staggered Style ✨
Introduced a new staggered layout for the wishlist, enhancing the user experience with a fresh and modern design.
(6) Custom Smart Chat icon 🎉
Users can now customize the Smart Chat icon, allowing for a more personalized touch to the chat interface.
Screenshot Demo
(7) Share Product Data 🎈
Users can now easily share product data with others, including the product’s descriptions and images, promoting products through social media and other platforms.
Screenshot Demo
(8) My Rating Screen 💎
Introduced a new "My Rating" section on the Profile screen, allowing users to directly and quickly provide and view their ratings for products
(9) Show/Hide Size Guide on the Product Detail screen 🎊
Users now have the option to show or hide the size guide button and information on the product detail screen, offering a more personalized shopping experience.
Admin easily tracks if order attribution is ordered from the mobile app or website, enhancing analytics and reporting capabilities.
(2) Staff Pricing for Booking Products
Added pricing for booking products after selecting staff, allowing for better internal management.
(3) Customize Font and Text Size for Banner Items
Added options to customize the font style and text size for banner items, providing greater flexibility in design.
(4) Automatically Display Language Selector on Onboarding Screens
The language selector will now automatically appear when users open onboarding screens for the first time, improving user experience for multilingual support.
(5) Custom Size Guide Button
Introduced a button for size guides, making it easier for users to access sizing information.
(6) Override Attribute Name in Filter by Languages
Added the ability to override the attribute name in filters based on language, allowing for more customized and localized user experiences.
(7) Disable Adding Products from Multiple Vendors to Cart
Show a warning message when users add new products from many stores to their cart.
Users can choose to clear their cart immediately while purchasing.
Library Update for Xcode 16 Compatibility: Updated relevant libraries to ensure full compatibility with Xcode 16, resolving any build issues and enhancing performance.
Address ios build with PhoneNumberKit issue: Temporarily locked the PhoneNumberKit library to version 3.8.0. This resolves breaking changes that may have affected functionality in the app.
Style (Logout): Change button color from red to primary
Update requireUsernameWhenRegister option in Digits Mobile
This release contains many fixes
Fixed (BuildAndroid): catch null exception
Fixed (Configurations): fix parse object
Fixed (Checkout): issue checkout when use item price
Fixed: show shipping methods for multi vendors
Fixed (DeleteAccount): not show delete option
Fixed (Order): support track order attribution via mobile app
Fixed (CartItem): allow hide backorder status on cart screen
Fixed: check null data
Fixed: show loading when load tired price from server
Fixed: issue where share popup doesn't appear after clicking share
Fixed: issue show drawer menu
Fixed: throw exception when getting current navigator
Fixed (InforPlist): add missing or not translat
Fixed: app crash when not using TeraWallet feature
Fixed (BlogListLayout): type exception on tablet
Fixed: declare type to avoid unexpected exception
Fixed: issue Xcode 16
Fixed (FlutterInAppWebview): use script override code in local and remove override flutter_inappwebview_ios
Fixed (Build): cannot build android
Fixed (Lib): Upgrade the flutter_inappwebview library to fix build issues on Android
Fixed (Profile): show white screen after upload new avatar
How to update/migrate the app to the latest version?
Fixed the security in the MStore API to support the Firebase SMS Login (firebase_sms_login) function. If your app does not use this feature, an update is not necessary.
Resolved the select attribute issue for FluxStore WooCommerce and Multi Vendor.
Meta App Event Tracking (or Facebook App Event) allows your app to track events, such as a person installing your app or completing a purchase, to measure ad performance, and build audiences for ad targeting.
There is no need to configure anything under the app and the website must have composite product plugin support.
Demo Video
🆙 Update to the latest version of Firebase
🎊 Upgrade youtube_player_iframe and webview_flutter
⬆️ Upgrade google_maps_flutter to the latest version and pump min deployment iOS to 14.0
🆙 Upgrade flutter_stripe 10.1.1 for flutter 3.19.6
🌈 Show confirmation pop-up when logging out of the application
💰 Show “min - max” price on the Product Cart
On the old app, only the lowest price display on the Product Card of Variant products. This new version helps your app show both the highest and lowest price on the Product Card of Variant products.
This release contains many fixes
Fixed: a warning email about "Missing API declaration"
Fixed: use wrong code to check runtime type
Fixed: missing blog author image
Fixed: open related blog
Fixed: the price sort does not work
Fixed: missing the related, recent in fullsizeImage
Fixed: Cannot customize translations of OpenAI on FluxBuilder
Fixed(NavigateTool): cannot parse the null value
Fixed(PinterestLayout): issue about scrolling in the vertical layout
Fixed(SignUp): show a readable error message
Fixed: vertical filter and menu
Fixed (ValidatePhone): fix invalid phone if not use international
Fixed (NavigateTool): cannot parse bool value
Fixed (PinterestLayout): fix issue load more
Fixed(VerticalLayout): update load more
Fixed: Chat icon covers the Cart icon on the Product Detail screen
Fixed: video mp4 blog launch webview
Fixed: show wholesale sale price
Fixed (Payment): not show order_id in webview payment
Fixed: pricing sort not working
Fixed: overflow product card for iPad
Fixed (StockStatus): load stock status of first variation instead of product
Fixed (Rating): display correct average rating point
Fixed: double cart items when reopen app
Fixed (TeraWallet): unable to input number when topping up with Arab currency
Fixed (Cart): cannot sync cart app and web
Fixed: Buy Now and Add to cart buttons are not disabled for out of stock products
Fixed: to reload order list when mark as ship
Fixed: register vendor for wholesale
[MV] Fixed: cannot get orders on Dokan
[MV] Fixed: cannot update vendor information in the Onboarding step
How to update/migrate the app to the latest version?
If some products on your website do not have images, let's add a Default Image. On the app, those products will display your Default Image, instead of displaying an exclamation mark or blank.
(4) Filter Products By Distance 💦
Ability to only show products and vendors within a certain distance radius that your users are located.
It is useful in case your vendors are in many provinces/cities, and you want to only show products for the province/city the users are in.
Available for WCFM Pro version.
Demo Video
(5) B2B King 👑
FluxStore supports B2B King - the WooCommerce B2B & Wholesale Plugin.
Customers now can buy products at wholesale prices.
Available with the extended license.
Demo Video
(6) Thai PromptPay Payment 💰
Now Thai users can easily and quickly shop with Thailand's most popular payment methods.
Thanks to our Customers who sent us the translation native language file❤️
Now FluxStore apps support more than 60 native languages.
Add the showRating parameter to the Product Details screen 🛍
Min & Max values on Filter By Price 💰
Load the min and max prices from your website's database and show them on the Filter By Price screen of the app.
Hide Vendor Contact Information and Chat 🥷
Some clients of the FluxStore Multi Vendors app don't want the Customer and Vendor to exchange contact details anyhow. Let’s see this solution:
To hide the Chat With Vendor icon, set enableVendorChat=false
To hide the phone number, email, and address of the store Vendor, enable this HideStoreContactInfo parameter:
"vendorConfig": {
/// Show/Hide store contact info in VendorChat and Vendor detail screen
"HideStoreContactInfo": true/false
This solution will hide the Vendor contact in these screens:
Contact tab in the Vendor Details screen:
Stores screen:
Product Detail screen:
Upgrade UI of Order History and Order Details screens 🌈
New elegant UI of:
Order History screen:
Order Detail screen:
Not auto-select the first attribute in Product Detail screen 🌟
On the Product Details screen, in case you want the attributes not to be selected by default, your customers will select the attributes themselves.
If customers do not select any attribute and click the Add To Cart or Buy Now buttons, it will show a popup as a reminder.
To do that, set "AutoSelectFirstAttribute"=false and "AlwaysShowBuyButton"=true.
"productDetail": {
/// Set true by default, the new UX always displays the `Buy now` and `Add
/// to cart` button on the product detail page. In case the product is out
/// of stock or not available, it will still be displayed but will be
/// disabled. If set false, there is only a `Unavailable` or `Out of stock`
/// button on the product detail page as old UX does.
"alwaysShowBuyButton": true,
Add Review widget in FullSizeImageType layout 💄
Now all 4 layouts of the Product Details screen show the Reviews widget.
Upgrade the Video Shopping widget ⭐️
When selecting Buy Now on a Video, ability to configure to show the Add To Cart dialog or Product Details screen.
If Enable the EnableBottomAddToCart option, it will open the Add To Cart dialog, whereas if Disable it will navigate to the Product details screen.
FluxStore and FluxNews apps version 3.13.5 now offer compatibility with Apple's latest releases, XCode 15 and iOS 17.
(2) GDPR message for Ads Apps 🌈
Support showing GDPR message for Ads Apps.
Beginning January 16, 2024, Mobile Apps having Google AdSense or AdMob will be required to use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that has been certified by Google when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK.
Demo Screenshot
(3) Filter on Order History screen 🗂
New UI of Order History with Filter.
Demo Screenshot
(4) Order Details on Checkout Result 💸
Ability to show or hide order details after successful checkout.
Demo Screenshot
Show Order Details
Hide Order Details
(5) Quantity Groups and Min Max Quantities 🏘
Recommend users to make purchases with Quantity group of x products. E.g.: 3-6-9, 5-10-15-20.
(6) Page Transition Animation 🚸
Ability to swipe to go back in Dark mode on IOS. Using:
CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder(): constructs a page transition animation that matches the iOS transition. You can swipe to go back.
FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder(): constructs a page transition animation that slides the page up.
Demo Video
(7) New Languages 🎊
Support new Estonia🇪🇪 language.
Thanks to our Customers who sent us the translation native language file❤️
Now FluxStore apps support more than 50 native languages.
Version Update Alert for countries outside US 📣
When there is a new version, an alert is shown with a link to the appropriate App Stores page. Version Update Alert by default supports apps in the US.
This new version supports Version Update Alert for all countries outside US.
Upgrade phone number validation📱
Upgrade intl_phone_number_input to the latest version ⬆️
On the Checkout screen, the phone number can be configured, which helps to validate the entered phone number by using Google's libphonenumber. Simpler and cheaper than sending OTP to verify the phone numbers.
Policy URL supports Multi-language URLs 💥
Move Banner Ads to the bottom of the screen 🌟
App Store requests to move Banner Ads to the bottom of the screen on your apps.
Improve quantity selection behavior ⬆️
Update Kurdish and Tigrinya languages 🌎
Update min-max-quantity plugin to the latest version 1.1.5 🎗
Update OpenAI update library ♻️
How to update/migrate the app to the latest version?
Start Shopping button always links to the Home screen even though the tab bar does not contain the Home tab. The solution is: if the user clicks "Start Shopping", the app will redirect to the default tab index. If not, return the tab index, which is not fullscreen mode and not group layout for dynamic.
Fix: border of category icons cannot be separated if enable Horizontal Mode
Fix: the country code showing twice in phone number
Fix: home cache if use featured or type saleOff
Fix: not working only show first time and alway show login if turn on the required login
Fix: Product Categories Issue In Multilanguage
Fix: white screen when there is no data on Video screen
Fix: load cache if user disable multi language
Fix: currency wallet is not correct in order detail successful
Fix: The Address is not saved after re-opening the app
Fix: Cannot press checkout button if the cart has only variant products and product of these variants is out of stock
Fix: The app does not show vendor admin option after merging FluxStore Manager into FluxStore WooCommerce
Fix: advanced parameters without value data
Fix: to save notification status to server
Fix: delete account if the webiste block DELETE method
Fix: The country code and flag are reset whenever the screen is rebuilt
Fix: support multi languages for policy url
Fix: validate phone if has white space
Fix: issue with creating links for Tag Product, Screen, and Tab screen